Delirious? in the charts - right now!

Whoever said that Facebook was a waste of time? A couple of months ago a whole bunch of Delirious? fans started talking about how great it would be if this Easter there could be a song up there in the charts that raised the flag for faith in Jesus.

They asked us to help out, and right now the charts are buzzing with the sight of HistoryMaker heading up there.

So far 'HistoryMakers - the single' is up at number 6 in the charts.

Delirious? will be donating their profits from the UK single downloads to Compassionart projects that bring relief from poverty where it is needed most.

With the original studio version and a live take recorded at the band's final gig last November, there's still time to buy one - or both. They're just 79p, and iTunes is ready to take your order.