Dems foil US Senate bid to end legalised 'brutal' killing of pain-capable unborn kids

Anti-abortion demonstrators demonstrate in front of the US Supreme Court in this June 30, 2014 file photo.Reuters

The US Senate failed to pass a bill on Tuesday that would prohibit abortions at 20 weeks of gestation.

With a vote of 54-42, the Senate failed to get the required 60 votes to advance the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that would ban abortion at a point that its supporters say a baby can already feel pain.

"Over 10,000 unborn babies 20 weeks or older are killed in America every year," Republican Sen. David Perdue said, according to Christian News Network. "Imagine that for a moment: Each year more than 10,000 lives who feel and react to pain having their lives brutally taken from them."

Republican Sen. John Thune said, "Late-term abortion procedures are so brutal, it's difficult to even talk about them. Americans would rightly shrink in horror from performing one of these procedures on an animal. How then are we allowing these procedures to be performed on our children?"

"[The bill] would have allowed America to join the ranks of most civilised nations when it comes to protecting the most innocent and vulnerable of life," said Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Senate Democrats succeeded in blocking the bill.

"I'm calling this bill what it is: an unnecessary, unwarranted and likely unconstitutional intrusion into women's private health care decisions," said Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono.

California Sen. Dian Feinstein declared, "More than 40 years ago, the Supreme Court stipulated that abortion is legal until a foetus is viable. Well, in no way, shape, or form is a 20-week foetus viable."

Two Republican senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Mark Kirk of Illinois, voted against the legislation while three Democrats—Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia—voted in favour of the bill.

The legislation passed the US House in May.

House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday scored Democrats for their "extreme support for late-term abortions."

"It is morally wrong to inflict pain on an innocent human being, but that's exactly what Senate Democrats and President Obama are supporting by opposing this humane bill," he said. "Their extreme support for abortions for any reason up until the moment of birth is indefensible."

Boehner resurrected the issue of Planned Parenthood videos and said abortions should not be allowed.

"Recent videos exposing the abortion-for-baby parts business shed new light on why they so emphatically support the practice of late-term abortion: fully-developed hearts, lungs, livers, heads, and legs potentially mean bigger profits. It's a horrific thought, and a stain on our national conscience. Every American who values life should demand an end to this barbaric practice," he said.