Doubting God's plan? Here are 3 reasons why you should trust God's perfect timing


It isn't always easy for people to sit still and wait as God takes care of things. According to Pastor Marcus Gill, many are so dissatisfied with their life's journeys that they begin to doubt God's plan.

"The truth of the matter is, we are all in need of something. Furthermore, we want that need met right now. While it has not been met yet, we have to understand that God's timing isn't always our timing," he writes in an article for Charisma News.

People might think that they can manage their affairs perfectly, says Gill, but if they impatiently act on things without God's intervention, they would only make things worse.

"Learning to trust God means believing God's timing is always perfect. He never fails," says Gill. "God is never late and God is never early. Of course we don't ever want God to be late, but there are some who pray for God to send early miracles. An early release of answered prayers sounds great, but it wouldn't be perfect."

He then gave three reasons why people should trust God's perfect timing:

1. God is the author of time.

Who else but God understands the functionality of time? Gill says that people seeking for a "quick fix" might think they are getting a good deal, but they couldn't be more wrong.

"You are not the Creator. Time only exists because God Almighty created it. So you must trust the fact that He knows how to manage it perfectly," he reminds Christians.

2. God makes no mistakes.

People make mistakes all the time, but God never makes mistakes. Everything He does, He does with a purpose, says Gill. When people start accepting God's plan for their lives and be satisfied with His timing, then they will be able to live life "with uninterrupted peace."

3. God knows more than you.

God is omniscient, and there are things God already knows about people that they themselves haven't even discovered yet.

"Oftentimes we feel as if we are ready for certain things and we are not. We don't know that we are unprepared, but God knows," says Gill. "He knows our strengths and our weakness. God knows that if He releases everything to you right now, you just might lose your mind. There are some blessings that we can't handle yet."

At the same time, people can be comforted by the fact that God never starts anything without finishing it. Gill says there is nobody better who can take care of one's affairs than God.

"Satisfaction with how God operates in your life begins with faith. You can't always see the good in delay but, if you could have everything you want based upon your control, it wouldn't be faith. Be satisfied knowing that God knows what is best for you. God's best for you will be delivered on its God-ordained due date," he says.