Duggar family news update: Jill and Derick Dillard share baby Samuel's dedication service photos

Jill and Derick Dillard, in an official promotional video for TLC's "Counting On."TLC

The Duggar family is seen less on-air because their reality show "Counting On" is on break. However, that does not mean that the cast is completely away from the spotlight. Recently, Jill and Derick Dillard shared photos of their four-month-old baby Samuel's dedication service.

The dedication was held last Sunday in Arkansas, specifically at their local church. Jill and Derick were present along with baby Samuel and their two-year-old son Israel. However, they were not the only couple attending the ceremony — there were other parents present for the dedication services of their respective children as well.

Most fans did not understand the difference between a dedication service and a baptism and so Derick felt the need to explain. In an Instagram post, he said that the dedication itself was not for baby Samuel's salvation, but it is a public declaration from both parents that they will do their best to try and raise the child in a godly way.

For Baptists like Derick and Jill, baptism is for when an individual is older and can make their own decisions. When Samuel is older, he can choose to undergo a baptism ceremony, which is him declaring that he will follow Jesus Christ and will accept Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Samuel Scott Dillard was born on July 8. His mother Jill underwent a 40-hour labor which culminated in her getting a C-section.

This is Jill's second C-section, after which she decided to take a break from social media for a while. Fans were used to updates on Jill's life through social posts, and so for a time, fans were worried about the baby and her state because of her sudden silence.

Based on their recent posts about the dedication service, however, the Dillard couple appears to be doing great.

Meanwhile, there is no news yet as to when the reality show that features the Duggar family, "Counting On," will return on air.