Duke of Gloucester to Attend Care of Churches Conference

|TOP|The Council for the Care of Churches (CCC) and the Diocese of Chichester recently announced that His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO plans to attend part of the CCC’s Annual Conference in September.

The conference will be co-hosted by the Diocese of Chichester and held at Sussex University, Falmer, near Brighton, Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th September 2006.

The Duke will attend the conference service of Sung Eucharist in the Chapel at Lancing College followed by a Civic Reception at a museum in Brighton and a dinner in the banqueting suite of The Royal Pavilion, to be held on the evening of Tuesday 19th September.

The reception and dinner will be hosted by the Chairman of the Council for the Care of Churches, the Right Reverend Graeme Knowles, Bishop of Sodor and Man.

|AD|With the theme of the conference being ‘Behold I make all things new - Towards Revitalisation,’ delegates will consider many of the important aspects of planning essential changes to medieval and historic churches of significance and will be invited to study the proposals for changing some of Sussex’s historic churches to meet the needs and aspirations of local communities in the 21st century.

Delegates will also have an opportunity to study the plans and changes to be made in the Brighton and Hove review of Anglican churches in the City.

The conference will hear from Sir Roy Strong Hon. D. LITT, PhD, FSA, FRSL, a former director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, in addition to other eminent architects including Mr Michael Drury, the inspecting architect for Salisbury and Arundel Cathedrals and Boxgrove Priory near Chichester.

While delegates will be welcomed by the Right Reverend Lindsay Urwin, Bishop of Horsham, a profile of the Diocese of Chichester will be presented by the Venerable Roger Combes, Archdeacon of Horsham.