Eating for Success

When the body is repeatedly given the wrong foods it will start to send out subtle red flag signals or symptoms. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe and may include fatigue, indigestion, eczema, food allergies, weight gain and more. If the root cause of the symptom is not properly addressed (in this case, inadequate nutrition) the symptom will intensify and may develop into a more serious illness. For example, an overweight individual who does not change his or her food choices has an increased likelihood of developing high blood pressure. An individual who experiences indigestion from eating highly refined, processed foods may develop an ulcer.

|QUOTE|The good news is that the body has an incredible "forgiving capacity". The body tends toward a state of vibrancy and energy and naturally adjusts to a healthy body weight when given the proper foods. When making healthy food changes, you do not have to change everything at once. Start by implementing the following food rules into your daily regime one rule at a time. You will be amazed at the positive results you will feel, such as increased energy, weight loss, cessation of allergies, etc.

Dedicate two weeks to each food rule. It is a good idea to record the changes you are feeling in a daily journal so you can see how each change has benefited your health.

The Truestar Top 10 Eating Tips
1. Drink six to eight glasses of fresh, clean water daily. Water is extremely powerful in combating fatigue. We recommend investing in a water purification unit with a reverse osmosis, steam distilled or spring source to minimize impurities in your water.

2. Eat one fresh, live food at each meal. Raw fruits and vegetables contain powerful vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients that have anti-aging components. We cannot expect to feel alive if we do not eat alive.

3. Eliminate white flour from your diet (e.g. bread, pasta). Substitute whole grains such as rye, multigrain, flax and kamut bread or pastas.

4. Include a protein source at every meal such as chicken, fish, soy, lean beef, egg whites or yogurt. Protein is essential in maintaining the proper growth and repair of muscles.

5. Eat only when you are hungry. Eating for the wrong reasons (boredom, habit or loneliness) can contribute to unnecessary weight gain and compromised digestion.

6. If you feel a symptom soon after eating a meal (runny nose, bloating, fatigue, etc.) pay attention - you have either eaten too much or you have eaten the wrong food for your body.

7. Incorporate good fats into your diet including nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and flaxseed oil. Walnuts are filled with essential omega-3 fats and are an excellent topping on salads.

8. Eliminate bad fats from your diet such as deep-fried foods and foods that have partially hydrogenated oils in them (certain margarines, salad dressings, chips, etc.).

9. Eat slowly. In order to properly digest, absorb and eliminate, food must be chewed thoroughly. Take the time to enjoy all aspects of your meal including the sight, smell, taste and texture. The average meal should last 20 to 30 minutes.

10. Minimize your consumption of coffee. Coffee is a stimulant that can contribute to anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. Try drinking green tea which will give you a natural boost and has anticancer properties.

This article was brought to you by Truestar Health: The World's Most Comprehensive Nutrition, Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Resource