'Embers of War' unveiled by Dark Rift Entertainment, former Blizzard Entertainment staff

Embers of WarDark Rift Entertainment

As reported by IGN, former staff members of Blizzard Entertainment, the company that developed and published games such as "World of Warcraft" and "Diablo II," have formed a new company called Dark Rift Entertainment and during this year's PAX East event have unveiled their newest game, titled "Embers of War."

The game is presented as a tower defense game akin in style to popular titles such as "Plants vs Zombies" and "Kingdom Rush." However, instead of an overhead view the player is given direct control over the hero as he or she moves around the map to place new towers and battle the incoming waves of enemies.

In this manner the game resembles newer types of tower defense titles such as "Orcs Must Die" and "Dungeon Defenders." However, the trailer also showcases the ability to switch from a third-person perspective to a first-person perspective to properly aim and snipe enemies from far away. 

At the game's current build it will allow players to control two different heroes in a "robust science fiction" setting that comes with fully customizable weapons and towers as well as 20 to 30 different levels. The report from IGN states that popular voice actors Matt Mercer of "Fallout 4" and "Resident Evil 6" and Ashley Burch of "Life is Strange" have lent their voices for the project.

According to the report, the studio is only staffed by 14 individuals and "Embers of War" will be the fledgling company's first foray after most of them left the now famous Blizzard Entertainment.

No official release date for the game has been announced but the trailer does reveal fans attending PAX East can visit their booth and try a demo of the game. It is undetermined at this point what specific console the game will also release on other than the PC or if the game will release simultaneously for multiple platforms.