Emergency Appeal to Help Millions in Sudan

The UK's best known international aid charities launched a joint national appeal beginning on Tuesday 20th July to help "world's worst humanitarian crisis" in the Darfur region of Sudan.

The Disasters Emergency Committee(DEC) Sudan Emergency Appeal will be supported by all the major TV and Radio stations. The money raised by the DEC’s 50th appeal will go to provide emergency aid to thousands of men, women and children who have been forced to flee their homes. It will provide them with emergency food aid and basic items such as water buckets, blankets and soap.

The World Health Organisation has also warned that a major health catastrophe could erupt if the necessary funds and supplies are not made available to fight disease and malnutrition already found in refugee camps.

Thousands of refugees are rushing to camps everyday, they are sleeping in the open, running out of food and drinking water. The camps are full to bursting-point; there are 57,000 people in Kalma Camp, which is designed to accommodate just 26,000 people.

The death toll could reach more than 350,000 if aid does not reach more than two million people soon, the United States Agency for International Development has said.

Floodwaters from recent rains are also washing human and animal waste into water sources raising fears of outbreaks of disease such as cholera and diarrhea. These diseases in particular, can kill children who have already suffered from malnutrition and dehydration.

Brendan Gormley, the DEC’s Chief Executive, who is organising the appeal with 11 charities, said: “This is the worst humanitarian crisis facing the world today. We know that the British public, when they know something can be done, are hugely generous and will respond massively to help the suffering Sudanese in this desperate situation.”

The UK Government welcomes the launch of a DEC appeal for Darfur. In a Statement from Hilary Benn MP, Secretary of State for International Development, stated, "The Government of Sudan must also deliver on the commitments it gave to Colin Powell and Kofi Annan to stop the janjaweed attacks on civilians, help the AU ceasefire monitors to get to work, and remove the remaining obstacles to humanitarian access."

The DEC charities benefiting from the Sudan Emergency are: British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Concern, Help the Aged, Merlin, Oxfam, Save the Children, Tearfund and World Vision.

To make a donation, or to find out more information about the DEC Sudan Emergency Appeal, visit the website at http://www.dec.org.uk