Evangelicals Publish New Resource to Guide Churches Through New Gender Act

|TOP|The Evangelical Alliance in association with Parakaleo Ministry has published some key advice to help ministers and clergy respond to transsexuals who look to the church for blessings and other religious guidance.

In particular, the new resource looks to educate Christian leaders on the implications of the Gender Recognition Act, which came into effect in April 2005.

The booklet highlights the need for churches and others to understand and respond to the issues the Act raises, and especially the ways in which the Acts relates to marriage and religious liberty.

One thing the resource tries to point out is that the Act has allowed people who are permitted to change their legal gender (it is not possible for a person to change their sex) to request a new birth certificate, and to be treated legally according to their presenting gender identity.

|AD|Another key change that the Act brought into effect is that it prohibits transsexual people bring discriminated against as a result of their changed status.

The Head of Public Affairs at the Evangelical Alliance, Don Horrocks said, “No church or para-church group can afford to neglect the implications of this Act as it relates to their freedom to set and maintain their own ethos. They may very well need to consider amending their own constitutions, or formal trust deeds, to take account of it.

“The Alliance has worked with Parakaleo Ministry to produce what should be the most practical and up-to-date legal guidance available, as well as helpful practical pastoral guidelines to assist churches in responding to transsexual people. This booklet is available at a charge of £5 per copy, but will be made available free to all member churches.”

The Evangelical Alliance also points out that the government is looking to extend transsexual rights even further in the near future.