Evangelicals Unite to Reveal What God is Doing

Two of the leading Christian organisations in the UK have united together in a new campaign designed to confirm that God is alive and well in 21st century Britain.

|TOP|The Evangelical Alliance and Premier Christian Radio have joined forces to challenge people to think: ‘What’s God doing?’ ...in the lives of both Christians and those who profess a different faith or none.

The General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, Rev Joel Edwards said, “We hope this survey will be one of the biggest and most significant surveys of the year. We believe that the results, due to be released at Easter, will show that, contrary to popular belief, God is working throughout our land. We want to send a challenge to a society, which, at times, seems to doubt that Christ is still relevant in 21st century Britain.”

The survey will take place with the aim to be as far and wide-reaching as possible, and therefore a cross-section of the general public will be canvassed for their views on questions such as ‘when would you ever ask God to intervene?’, ‘how often do you pray?’ and ‘is sin an outdated concept?’

The opinions of Christians will be researched through a separate survey via online links. Several other interactive initiatives are also planned for major events throughout the coming year.

|AD|The partnership comes as part of the Evangelical Alliance’s Alltogether campaign. At the core of the campaign are efforts to put into practice the concept that Christians can achieve more if they work together than if they worked separately. As an example, the Evangelical Alliance point to organisations working together in a commitment for greater resources to challenge world poverty.

Rev Edwards also released the following statement as a call for Christians to take part in the initiative:

Dear Friends,

If you read a newspaper or watch the television you would be led to believe that God is dead, faith is irrelevant and anybody professing to be a Christian has exchanged their brains for cotton wool! But worldwide well over 600 million evangelical Christians (two million of those live in the UK) are saying that not only does God exist but He is working in a myriad of ways right now in 21st century society.

Most of us have heard of 24/7 Prayer, Soul in the City, Make Poverty History and the Alpha Course but as well as these headlining initiatives we want to hear what God is doing around the UK. For this reason Premier Christian Radio and the Evangelical Alliance have joined together to ask just that - What is God doing in your area, where you live, in your church, place of work, etc?

I am writing to ask you to visit our survey at http://www.communicateresearch.com/ea and take part in what we hope will be one of the biggest and most significant surveys of the year. Through your contributions we want to encourage you by showing how God is working throughout our land. But just as importantly we want to send a challenge to a society, which is seriously doubting the ongoing relevance of the Christian faith, that Christ is still relevant in 21st century Britain.

Christians can access the survey through three resources:
Communicateresearch Site
EAUK Website
Premier Radio Website