Explore Christianity through 'Christianity Explored'

Christianity Explored (CE) is going to hold conferences in UK on Saturdays 5th June, 12th June and 2nd October at High Church Hilton Aberdeen, Christ Church Central Sheffield and Carrubbers Christian Centre Edinburgh respectively.

"Who am I, what is the purpose of my life, where does life come from?" Christians may be asked about these kinds of questions. CE is a great place to find out what the Christian faith has to say on these issues. It is a course for people who would like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. It also explores who Jesus was, what his aims were, and what it means to follow him.

The conferences offer an opportunity to find out what makes the course distinctive, learn how to teach Mark’s Gospel, ask questions about the course, discover effective ways to invite people along, pick up CE resources at a discount, meet with others who have already run CE to exchange ideas and encouragement.

"The training was practical and presented in a way that was easy to understand. Participating in a mock session really gave us a feel for what it is like to be part of a CE course. Moreover, solidly grounded in Biblical truths about evangelism, the training was presented with a zeal that was genuine, sincere and contagious. All who attended are no doubt better equipped and inspired to tell others about Jesus Christ." Chris Harper, Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church commented after joining the CE conference last year.

Christianity Explored Courses:
Week 1

Week 2
Jesus - Who Was He?

Week 3
Jesus - Why Did He Come?

Week 4
Jesus - His Death

Week 5
What is Grace?

Week 6
Jesus - His Resurrection
Christian Life
The Holy Spirit
The Bible

Week 7
What is a Christian?

Week 8
Continuing as a Christian

Week 9
Choices - King Herod

Week 10
Choices - James, John and Bartimaeus

To find out more about the events, go to http://www.christianityexplored.com