Faith comes by hearing in Tanzania

|PIC2|Sitting very still in a dimly lit church, about 15 adults and children look almost statuesque … It’s as though they’re afraid to move for fear they might miss a word that boomed from a black box placed in front of them.

To dispel any confusion, the word Proclaimer is emblazoned on the box.

The Proclaimer is a solar-powered audio Bible, handed out as part of a Bible Society-supported Faith Comes By Hearing programme. And small groups of people meet weekly in the local church of Nala village, Tanzania, to listen to short passages in Chigogo, their local language.

Their farming village is in one of the poorest regions in Tanzania. Literacy rates are very low among adults. And singing, dancing and storytelling are preferred methods of communication.

Margaret Lucinde, a farmer in her 60s, has lived in Nala village all her life – and now attends the Bible-listening groups every week.

"I’ve been a Christian all my life," she said, "but I knew I wasn’t saved until I heard God speak to my heart for the first time through the Proclaimer. And it has introduced me to God’s great love."

Margaret explained how listening to the Bible in Chigogo has brought about real changes to her life because she can relate to the God it speaks of.

"The Proclaimer is my only source of faith because it’s the only way I can hear what God is saying to me," she said.

Demonstrating how she’s been transformed, she picked up one of the chickens from her farm and presented it to a visitor saying, "Through the Proclaimer I learnt that it’s better to give than to receive. And now I don’t feel bound by the things I own, but instead I want to bless others with them."

Margaret spoke of how, on several occasions, she has invited others to join her Bible listening group. Her friends who listen to the Proclaimer also claim their lives have been changed.

"These listening groups have a strong impact on the lives of people. It’s the only way some people can connect with God’s Word. Even non-Christians are drawn by the stories and some have come to faith through it," said Edward Kwamela, the Faith Comes by Hearing coordinator.

"Application plays a big role in the Bible listening groups and the Proclaimer helps people practice what they hear," he added.

In the lives of Tanzanians, the Proclaimer takes centre stage in different ways. Some listen on their farms, others tune in as they herd cattle. But they all share one thing - they hear God speak in their own language.

"The Proclaimer makes a strong impact in the lives of people here," said Rev Julius Chiswagali from neighbouring Chinangali village. "We need the Chigogo Bible too, because people need to hear God speak for themselves."

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