'Fallout 4' news and updates: Crafting to be optional

Fallout 4 gameplayBethesda Softworks

The crafting system is already a big part of the "Fallout" universe. In the post-apocalyptic world that the franchise is set in, survivors must not only try to interact with their surroundings and encounter other inhabitants of the world, they also have to build a defensible and strong Vault dwelling to ward off hostile enemies. Interactions and game progression can be accomplished through crafting various new gears from items scattered all around the "Fallout" world. 

However, the latest iteration from Bethesda, "Fallout 4," will veer away from making the crafting system a central point in the story. Speaking to gaming and entertainment website GamesRadar, Bethesda's Pete Hines said that the open-world exploration and survival game that is "Fallout 4" will make crafting items and gears optional as the player moves along the story.

Hines explained, "It's a completely optional, freeform thing that you can do, if that's what you want to do."

Hines also said that players who are serious about finishing the game, particularly gamers who relish speed runs, can just take on "Fallout 4" missions right from the start.

"If you don't care about that and you just want to play quests and play side quests, and finish the main quest and that sort of thing then you can just ignore all of this [crafting]. Or do as much or as little as you want," he said. 

Bethesda isn't doing away with crafting, however. The system is still integrated in the game, and is just set up so players who are looking to polish and bring their "Fallout 4" experience to an A-game level can mix and match playing missions and giving enough time to craft and level-up their items, weapons, and gears.

Hines added, "You can [play] it and never even notice that feature is there if you want to, but once you figure it out, it's like, 'okay, this is pretty cool. Now I want to do more'."