First Minister launches Scottish Inter Faith Week

This weekend sees the launch of Scottish Inter Faith Week, when people of faith from all over Scotland create opportunities to meet their neighbours and build bonds of friendship.

The aim of the week is to learn about each other's faiths, and promote dialogue, understanding and cooperation between Scotland's religious communities.

The Scottish Inter Faith Council (SIFC), Aberdeen Inter Faith and the University of Aberdeen have jointly organised the event, which will be officially launched by the First Minister Alex Salmond.

At this event SIFC will also launch "Religion and Belief Matter", a document looking at the role of spirituality and religion in health. It is primarily aimed at professional health workers, in particular healthcare chaplains, and supports the new legislation on equalities, which makes discrimination on grounds of faith or belief unlawful.

Bahá'í, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh Faiths will be represented at the launch alongside University staff, students, civic dignitaries, religious leaders, MSPs and others from Scotland's diverse community.

The keynote address will be delivered by the Rt Rev Bruce Cameron, former Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and former Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney on "The Richness of Diversity", a theme which is at the heart of interfaith dialogue. It is appropriate therefore, that religious leaders from various faiths will also speak to the gathering.

An inter faith service will be held immediately prior to the launch in the King's College Chapel.