Free app to help people 'count their blessings' during Lent

Christian Aid has launched a free android app designed to help people remember everything they've got to be thankful for this Lent.

The 'Count Your Blessings' app provides daily reflections and practical suggestions for giving to people in need.

The former Bishop of Durham, Tom Wright, said Lent was the perfect time for Christians to reflect on what they have to be grateful for and stand in solidarity with the poor.

“As economic and political troubles increase around the world, many of us forget just how much we ourselves have to be thankful for,” he said.

“Count your blessings is a great way of using the discipline of Lent to remind ourselves of just how fortunate we are – and of the very practical ways in which we can share our blessings with those in greatest need.”

The app was made for free by Alex Connell, the husband of a Christian Aid staff member, after he found out that budget constraints had put the project on hold.

“In the past I had helped out making videos and serving as a barman at a charity quiz night but as I’ve been a software developer for 14 years I thought this was the perfect project to get involved with," he said.

“What I liked about this app is the unique approach of making people think about who it is they’re helping with donations, telling them how Christian Aid will support them and making us realise how lucky we are to live the way we do.

“It’s good to know code I’ve written might help improve or even save lives.”

Lent starts on February 22 this year and a children's version has also been made available for use at home or with Sunday schools throughout the season.

Anne Phipps of Christian Aid said: “The new Count Your Blessings app is a brilliant way to help people reflect on the good things in their lives and give to those living in poverty.

“Thousands of people count their blessings with Christian Aid each Lent using our printed version, but we wanted to open up the experience to whole new group of people who are more likely to check their phone than grab a pen.”

Android phone users can download the app by snapping the QR code displayed on this page or by searching for ‘count your blessings’ in the android app store. In addition users of facebook can connect with other people during Lent by visiting or searching for the hashtag #cyblessing on Twitter.
Paper copies of the reflections are available from Christian Aid and can be downloaded from the website,