'Game of Thrones' season 5 spoilers: 9 new characters, Lena Headey shoots nude walk scene

Lena Headey and the entire staff of Game of Thrones are finally given the green signal to shoot Cersei Lannister's controversial 'walk of shame' in Dubrovnik.Wikipedia

Latest hearsays say that nine actors are set to join the cast of "Game of Thrones" season 5, including Alexander Siddig (Kingdom of Heaven, Doomsday), although the production team has not confirmed who the rumored nine characters will be.

It is said that Siddig will play the role of Doran Martell, Oberyn Martell's older brother and the ruler of Dorne. He might seek revenge for the death of his brother who, as avid fans will remember, was brutally slain last season when he faced The Mountain at Tyrion Lannister's trial by combat.

Meanwhile, actress Lena Headey, who plays villainous queen regent Cersei Lannister, was spotted filming the infamous nude walk scene. A set of images surfaced on the Internet showing the production crew protecting and covering Headey with umbrellas.

Cersei's walk of shame is one of the most crucial scenes that will be included in season 5. In the book, this event takes place after Cersei's plans of ruining Margaery Tyrell backfires, and the punishment for her crimes is to walk naked from the Great Sept of Baelor to the Red Keep.

The previous season ended in a cliffhanger that left its millions of fans hanging. There are so many loose ends that need to be tied up. Furthermore, people are waiting to see who will be killed off next, and how. This has become like a guessing game to fans, speculating which character will finally meet their demise, hoping that it's not their favorite.

"Game of Thrones" is officially named as the most popular HBO mini-series in history after it won various awards. Thus, the show bagged two more seasons. The small screen adaptation of the serial book series of prime author George R.R. Martin garnered the biggest audience share for the network in seven years.

"Game of Thrones" season 5 is heading back to the small screen in spring of 2015.