God Listens to Your Slightest Whispers


"You know what I long for, Lord; You hear my every sigh." – Psalm 38:9

God knows everything. He knows our deepest longings, our wildest dreams, and can make them all come true. Would you want Him to do that for you?

A Loving Father

Our God is our very loving Father who knows what we need even without us telling Him. He also knows what we want to say even before we could say anything. All that He wants is for us to pursue Him.

You see, friends, God knows all that we need and wants to provide for us. He feeds the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea. No sparrow ever falls to the ground without Him knowing and allowing it. He's just that detailed and careful.

And because He cares for us, He wants to meet our every need. Christ came healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and setting the captives free. He reached out to those who did not and could not speak to Him for some reason: that old woman with the issue of blood; that Gadarene demoniac who was so demon-possessed only demons spoke through his lips; and even us who, after being born thousands of years after His death and resurrection, are still affected and blessed by what He has done for us.

Indeed, He knows what we need before we ask them.

Come to Jesus

So what does this leave us with? He knows what we need anyway, so why should we pray? He knows our deepest longings even if we just keep it to ourselves, so why should we even lift up our voice to tell Him?

It's simply because He wants you to get close to Him.

All throughout the Bible, we find God reaching out to men, desiring that they would come to Him

We read Him reaching out to Adam although He knew Adam already sinned. We read how He reached out and delivered Israel from Egypt. We read how He decided to dwell in the midst of His people through the tabernacle of Moses. Yes, long before Christ was born as a normal human to reach out to us, God was already reaching down to pull us up.

But in the fullness of time, God, in His great love for mankind, sent His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ to rescue us and take us for Himself.

For Himself. That's it. He wants you for Himself alone.

God heard your whispers. Your whispers for love. For acceptance. For purpose. And He responded by His Son. I hope you would come to Him in gratefulness to His grace.