'Hannibal' season 3 spoilers: Giant hands, screaming faces, a smitten Bedelia


It's about time. Two teaser trailers for "Hannibal" season 3 are out and ready for consumption, and both are just outright weird and unique, to say the least. But this may just be the very reason fans of the sadistic doctor went into a frenzy.

A Korean teaser emphasizes the series' love for all things surreal. The doctor is shown donning his tough biker look as he speeds his way on a motorcycle into a dark, abstract highway that harbors gargantuan hands, even bigger screaming faces, dragons, and surveillance cameras. The weirdness starts with Will shedding blood tears from his eyes. 

Hannibal Fannibals believe that this footage might just be the strangest thing coming from the series and "Hannibal" is chock-full of weird stuff so that's saying something. However, the site is also convinced that the trailer's oddness speaks for the even odder things bound to take place in season 3 of the hit series.

This brings the focus to the other trailer, which features the imperfect "marriage" of Hannibal and Bedelia. Season 2 of the series ended with the two on the run, assuming new identities in Italy. The footage implies that the doctor's assistant is smitten with her murderer boss. Unfortunately for the woman of pure sophistication, her working relationship with Hannibal would not go beyond what it really is.

The clip plays "Happy Together" in the background as it flashes the charading couple's schemes and sceneries they visit during their time away. But of course, back in the scene of carnage, Will continues to hunt his enemy, who left him to die a slow death in the season 2 finale.

"Hannibal" season 3 will closely follow the novel "Red Dragon" and will incorporate a new intimidating character, the Tooth Fairy, which will take the spotlight during the latter half of the season. Also known as Francis Dolarhyde, the newcomer will be played by "The Hobbit" actor Richard Armitage.

"Hannibal" season 3 will premiere on June 4 and these two trailers should should keep fans full until the new run is served.