Hollywood, Show us Your Faith - If You Dare

These past weeks were dazzled with awards nights - Hollywood stars moping around the red carpet as they glorified themselves in sparkly gowns and tight tuxedos.

In a world that is growing increasingly plastic, it's rare to find a good celebrity role model. We would like to believe that we don't have to be stick-skinny and sexually explicit to be applauded. But as ugly as it sounds, these seem to be two red carpet plus points these days.

Unfortunately, God - the Creator and Maker - isn't the centre of this world anymore. God has been replaced with money and fame. And to double the tragedy - while money and fame has a massive fan base, only sagacious people with the eyes to see the truth will gain the prize in the end.

But shouldn't we Christians help them out? I mean...the queue for the 'superficial losers club' (aka the lame Hollywood celebs club) these days is becoming way too long.

Which celebrities will deliver the falling Hollywood stars from their pitiful destiny? Well, Hollywood still has hope.

Like good ole' Jennifer Hudson. In the past few weeks, the American Idol finalist and Dreamgirls' actress won an Oscar and NAACP Image Award. To whom did she dedicate the glory? God. And where did she celebrate her success? At a local church with her family.

She didn't forget God. And this hit headlines. I've got to say, I was proud of her - even though it's such a basic thing to do as a Christian. I was pleased, and I'm sure God was too.

There are a number of celebrities who claim to be Christians but don't act it. Sure, many say that they're naturally "spiritual" and "have a personal relationship with God". Um...Personal enough to forget Him? This is what I want to say to them. If you have a God-relationship, c'mon, we want to see it. Don't be ashamed. Show us, please - and not by hanging yourself on a cross (Madonna).

Millions are watching Hollywood. If they don't change, the world won't. Sure, they sing well, dance well, act well. I enjoy the talent.

But my ode to them is: don't take advantage of the God-given talents to glorify yourself and corrupt others. Use them to glorify God and save the universe.