If God is powerful, why can't I feel it?


Sometimes when I read the Bible, it feels as if I'm reading a book along the lines of Lord of The Rings or Game of Thrones. God's power is made so manifest in the occurrences that are recorded in His Word - mountaintops blazing, worldwide floods, nine plagues, angels killing legions of soldiers, water turned into wine, teleportation and all kinds of other miracles.

But we have to admit that at some point we take a look at all these miracles in the Bible and ask ourselves, did these things really happen? And if they did, why don't we see much of them anymore today?

Have you ever seen a miracle? I have to tell you that I see them on a daily basis. The way the sun rises and falls without fail, how the world never runs out of oxygen for me to breathe, the way our planet has been kept safe for such a long time from meteors and collisions with stars while other planets have been obliterated by some kind of cosmic disaster. Miracles occur every second of our life. Many times we're just blind to see them.

In Job 37:14, Job's friend Elihu tells him this: "Hear this, O Job; stop and consider the wondrous works of God." He then goes on to talk about all the great and mighty things God does all around us so faithfully that we have become numb to the majesty of it all. He points to the clouds, skies, thunder, snow and winds saying it is God that commands them. Amazing!

Remembering how Israel was with God, they too got so used to seeing the miraculous things God did that they became oblivious to them.  After God rescued them from Egypt and parted the Red Sea, within such a short span of time they started forgetting God's works and started worshipping a Golden Calf in replacement of Him, all while a great big fire was burning on the top of Mount Sinai!

The problem today is not the lack of evidence of God's power. We don't feel God's power not because it's not there but because we have become calloused to His wondrous works. That's what sin does to us. It takes our eyes off the prize that is Jesus Christ. Even that is a miracle in itself - that we were once lost in our transgressions and sin, but now we are assured of a life lived to the full both in this age and the age to come if we simply put our faith in Him.

God's power is more than manifest. We just have to change the lenses of our eyes and the content of our hearts. In Deuteronomy 7:18-19 God calls the Israelites to remember the deeds He did in Egypt to rescue them because they had become so used to them. Look around you today. Everything you see is a miracle that came only through the grace of God. Once we deserved instant death and a one way road to hell because of our sins, but because of Christ's love and compassion, we are now set free from sin and given this life. Can you feel that power now?