In The Image of My Father

Made in the image of my father:
His will to live Kindling my life,
His call to be Driving my being.
My heart is sparked By his heart;
My mind is fired By his imagination
My animation Is his declaration:
Because he is I am.

Made in the image of my father:
Artful; articulate
Created to create
Pulsing with potential.
Designed to design;
Invented for invention,
Made to make.
Through His eyes I see possibilities
Through His ears I hear harmonies
In His heart beat I feel life's dancing rhythms.
Because he can
I will

Made in the image of my father:
Rooted in relationship
Commissioned for companionship
A free individual Made free in community
Distinct Yet needing devotion
Complete But needing completion
Unique I seek the company of others
A part I seek my meaning in the whole
Because of Him I need to be needed
Because I am loved I love.

Made in the image of my father
His word of command Shaping flesh
His loving intention Sculpting the soil of Earth Into life.
His voice causing; calling; claiming me; naming me
Framing my future
Fashioning me
Because of his dreams I have promise
Because of his promise I have dreams

Ushered into extravagant existence;
Tumbling into time
Free -
I am human
I am dependant
I am able
I am breath-filled
I am made
In the image of my Father