Interview: Graham Kendrick - Out of the Ordinary

|PIC1|Meet Graham Kendrick, the maker of internationally renowned songs like "All I Once Held Dear" and "Shine Jesus Shine", as he talks about his latest project Out of the Ordinary.

What distinguishes this album from your other records?

I've always had a bit of a melancholy streak and reflective side to me, but I think this [album] has got a good number of bright and open songs. I'm very pleased with what the producer, Julian Kindred, did in drawing together the various musicians and what he got out of them, because it's very fresh and satisfying. Hopefully it's something people will not just say 'here's a worship song', but that they will enjoy playing the music and acknowledging what the instrument is doing in the texture of the music.

The atmosphere of your album cover is really bright as well.

We were actually on the island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean, which is famous for its club land, and which we did not patronise while we were there (laughter). We really went for the light. I'm very much led by the people who conceptualise design and so on and they were saying we really want somewhere with quality of light. As any photographer will tell you, quality of light is a very important thing, so for those reasons I thought, 'Ibiza, why not?'

The title of your album is Out of the Ordinary. What do you think is the difference between ordinary faith and extraordinary faith?

Well I think it's not so much about what ordinary or extraordinary faith is, but it's about the ordinary world as we see it compared to knowing God and becoming into what we are meant to be. I think this is the beauty of the gift of worship- that it's entering into a relationship with God in which we not only discover who God is but also discover who we are through that. We discover our identity in our Creator, which should not be a surprise. Even atheists will admit their souls cry out for God even though they do not believe He is there. So I certainly believe that we are made for a relationship with God. Normal life should be a relationship with God- that's how we were designed. Not to sin and be alienated from God and from each other. 'Normal' should be knowing God 24/7 and having unbroken fellowship with him.

So you're the maker of famous songs like "All I Once Held Dear" and "Shine Jesus Shine". Are there any songs on your new album that you think has potential to be another worldwide hit?

Oh boy. If only you could write them to order- but you cannot. I have absolutely no idea at all. I think statistically the chances are very small. These days there are hundreds of thousands of praise & worship songs written around the world, so I would say statistically the chances are against anybody. So I think you just have to wait and see... time will tell.

Any plans on touring?

In the beginning of next year I have a few trips- a couple of weeks in the States, then New Zealand, Egypt, and South Africa. A lot of those are teaching and training, praise and worship, along with conferences. It's a mix of worship-leading and teaching.

People in the States love you, don't they?

I think many people there know my songs like "Shine Jesus Shine", but I don't think many people know me- they don't have a mental picture of who I am. I do visit occasionally but it's such a vast place that when you go you are like a drop in the ocean.

So what are your plans for Christmas?

Just the family. In the past I have written Christmas productions that keep me very busy, but this year I kept away from those. But I am thinking of writing another one, possibly for next year.

Are you one of those families that sit around the Christmas tree singing praises together?

No, my kids are mostly grown up now, so we just get together! I actually have a grandson now. We tend to go to church and sing our praises there.