Interview: Open Doors USA President, CEO on North Korea

North Korea has been in the media spotlight and on the minds of world leaders after it test-fired several missiles last week to the alarm and condemnation of the international community.

|TOP|The President/CEO of Open Doors USA, Dr. Carl A. Moeller, spoke last Thursday about the importance of exposing the grave human rights violations in the reclusive country and about Rick Warren’s 2007 trip to North Korea to preach to 15,000 Christians. Open Doors is an international Christian ministry serving the persecuted church and Christians.

Closely following North Korea’s recent missile test-firings, Open Doors released a written response calling attention to human rights and religious freedom violations. Why did Open Doors choose to bring up this issue when the world was concerned about nuclear warfare?

Moeller: One of the greatest challenges we face with any country we deal with is that we have differing agendas at times from the military and diplomatic response and the response we have as human beings to the plight of the North Korean people.

North Korea is a terrible regime. The dictatorship there is just absolutely on every measure a pariah with a horrible human rights record. I think it is important that we never separate the discussions; we can’t deal with the political, military, or diplomatic dimension of North Korea without dealing with the human rights abuse that is going on in that country.

Can you provide our Christian readers with any information on how the treatment of Christians are in North Korea after these missile firings?

Moeller: We haven’t heard of any news since the missile firings. It is relatively soon and our networks of communication are not fluid as they are in other parts of the world.

I will say this: I am very limited in what I can say in what we know is going on in North Korea. But I know that there are a number of Christians who are deeply committed to the spiritual revival in their country. They believe that the spiritual revival in their country – and I think this is what North Korea is afraid of – will be the means that this government will come down in North Korea.

|AD|What opportunities do you see for human rights, religious freedom groups with the extensive media coverage and political focus on North Korea?

Moeller: I think there is a great opportunity. Whenever the world’s attention, however brief it might be, is focus on some of the areas that are often ignored because they are confusing, difficult, or hard to understand, it helps bring to light other issues. And when a country like North Korea is disturbing the stability of the world, the world’s attention helps to bring to light many, many other things that are going on.

We have seen an upspring of people who are interested in the human rights issue in North Korea even though the situation is primarily military and diplomatic. That extra light shined on North Korea will help us get the message out that there are millions of people starving in North Korea and that there are maybe hundreds of thousands, maybe even more Christians suffering for their faith in the North.

You previously held the position of Pastor in Membership at Saddleback Church. What was your reaction when you heard that Rick Warren was invited to speak to 15,000 North Koreans next year?

Moeller: I am also a member of Saddleback Church and I continue to worship there, and as it goes, Rick Warren is my pastor. In the deepest sense of the term, I am amazed that God has opened up this opportunity for Rick Warren. However, I think, and Rick is well aware that this is not a simple invitation to go preach at another stadium somewhere. This is something on many levels an act not only of spiritual obedience but of opportunity on the political side.

I don’t believe on a simple analysis that Rick Warren’s message to the North Korean is going to be the single event that changes the way Christians are treated in North Korea. In fact, in some ways, I feel that it might bring additional persecution on Christians and we have to be aware, and Rick is aware, of the reality of Christians in North Korea. They are virtually an invisible quantity, although they do exist and they are growing quite rapidly.

The Christian community, if it is able to hear at all Rick’s message, will be completely clandestine. If they are in any way labeled or identified through this they will suffer. But I think the Christians there are ready and understand the nature of what the Gospel is. It requires a full commitment and all brothers and sisters in North Korea understand that quite well.

On the other hand, the criticism is Rick’s going to North Korea will be a political tool in the hands of Kim Jung-Il to try to gain some kind of world credibility and it may produce some suffering for local Christians if they in any way try to identify themselves as Christians during that time.

That said however, I think it is also vital to realise that this is the Gospel we are talking about here. This is the Word of God going out in a place where it has not been spoken publicly like this for decades. Much the same ways, in the early 80s, Billy Graham went to the Soviet Union amid much criticism from American evangelicals I might add. He was able to be the leading edge of an opening that within a decade brought a significant amount of openness within the Soviet Union and ultimately its collapse.

I know there is a connection between those things and the spiritual component of the Gospel being preached openly. I believe that will also happen in North Korea and we are praying for that.

Has Rick Warren spoken to you about the situation of Christian persecution in North Korea since he decided to accept the invitation to preach in the country?

Moeller: Rick and I had several conversations in the past about persecution worldwide and the work of Open Doors. Rick has endorsed our work and he is a personal friend of Brother Andrew, our founder.

In this trip, in particular, we have not spoken directly. But I have spoken with a number of his good friends, which are a number of his staffs, and they are informed of some of the perspectives that we bring to this discussion.

Do you have anything you would like to add?

Moeller: I think the world is sorely in need of visionaries who are willing to go to places like North Korea, no matter what the cost, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today’s world is in desperate need of the next generation of apostles like the first century who were unafraid and did not recognise any border or boundaries or doors close. Instead they realise that, as our names says, all doors are open to the proclaiming of the Gospel.

[Editor's Note: This interview was conducted by Christian Today correspondent Michelle Vu]