iOS 11.3 public release date, features news update: Final version underway as beta 6 arrives sooner than expected

There are now hints that the final version of the iOS 11.3 will be out soon. The next iOS 11 major update has been under a few beta test cycles, and with the sixth public beta released last weekend, it is likely that the iPhone and iPad users will get to see the iOS 11.3 as early as next month.

The iOS 11 preview in different Apple devicesApple website

As reported by MacWorld, the iOS 11.3 public beta 6 was released last March 16. Interestingly, the beta version for software developers was also released earlier in the same day, which does not happen often. It is also worth noting that Apple finished the fifth beta testing period in less than a week, with the iOS 11.3 public beta 6 now available for download. It appears that Apple only has a few things to fix in the current build of the iOS 11.3, and the final public release of the mobile operating system might be ready in a few weeks.

Apple previously teased that the iOS 11.3 update will be officially launched this spring period. Users would have liked to get a more specific date, but the company has not yet given exact release dates of their previous iOS updates in the past. Given the pattern of the previous beta releases, the iOS 11.3 could be finished after four to five beta test versions. At this rate, the major OS update could be released in early April.

The iOS 11.3 public beta 6 also does not have anything new to introduce compared with the beta 5 version, aside from a few bug fixes. With most of the OS version's features already tested by the developers in the earlier beta cycles, it is possible that Apple is almost geared up to release the iOS 11.3.

So far, the only confirmed features of the iOS 11.3 update is the updated list of Animojis. Although, the most vital part of the upcoming OS version is the improved battery health setting. This time, the users can closely monitor the battery performance and how it is currently affecting the running applications. To recall, Apple admitted that it has been intentionally throttling the battery performance of older iPhone and iPad devices.

With this latest iOS 11.3 feature, the settings page will show how much performance is being throttled to save power, as well as giving the users an option to disable the battery throttling altogether. Although, the users are also taking the risk of an automatic shutdown when they choose to stop run the device at optimum performance.