iOS 9 jailbreak: New iOS already jailbroken?

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/iH8Sn0w]

The first thing that comes to mind is this — has Apple really made the upcoming iOS 9 perfect and hard to jailbreak?

Apparently, such was the initial word from the jailbreaking community seeing that Apple pre-released iOS 9 to see if anyone could come up with a timely jailbreak for the said operating system (OS).

In August, the focus was on how to jailbreak 8.4.1, which gave jailbreakers a pretty tough time. So tough that even if they did get one out, it may be rendered useless since all patches are expected to be applied by the time Apple releases its iOS 9.

But a certain Apple iOS hacker (iH8Sn0w) may have turned his attention on the iOS 9 rather than the previous version and through a video, which you can view below, he was able to jailbreak the upcoming iOS. As announced during an Apple launch event held last week, the iOS 9 is slated to be released on Sept. 16.

According to iH8Sn0w, the jailbreak will work as well on iOS 9.1 beta, as well. 

This should (sort of) come as good news for the Apple users who have turned to jailbreaking operating systems for their devices. But do bear in mind as well that Apple does not provide support for jailbreaks for iPhones or iPads so applying the alleged jailbreak is (like always) at the user's own risk.

For an iOS that has left most jailbreakers scratching their heads, such could boost and encourage them to try harder. Then again one has to consider that Apple may have already patched this up, considering these were earlier builds and only in the beta phases.

But assuming they haven't, does Apple have enough time to address the vulnerability? If so, expect that to come in the follow-up patch for the OS, something that could come pretty soon.