iPhone 7 release date: waterproof feature expected

Apple web site

The iPhone 7 may end up featuring waterproof capabilities.

This is the latest rumor surrounding the iPhone 7 after a new patent was thrust into the spotlight last week, the Economic Times reported.

The patent reportedly puts forth a rubber port covering that will be capable of being deformed and then reverting back to its old shape. The port covering will reportedly be responsible for enabling peripherals, such as headsets, to be connected to the iPhone, while also providing a layer of protection when nothing is inserted. Due to its rubber composition, it could theoretically provide protection for the gaps needed as openings that would otherwise be left vulnerable without it.

A port such as the one described in the patent being added to the iPhone 7 would seemingly make it easier for the device to be waterproof.

As of now, it's unknown if the feature will even end up in the iPhone 7. As it turns out, the patent was filed way back in July of last year, so Apple could have come up with something else by now, or perhaps the waterproof feature may still not be in the cards.

Other rumors over the past few months have also hinted that the iPhone 7 could be waterproof, although it's worth noting that Apple has yet to confirm anything at this point.

In related news, recent rumors have also suggested an earlier release date for the iPhone 7.

According to an Apple Insider source, the iPhone 7 could be on an earlier timeline than its most recent predecessors and could end up hitting the market way before it is expected to.

In recent years, Apple has stuck to the pattern of releasing new phones sometime in September, so an earlier timeline would suggest something in the summer or perhaps even in the first half of 2016.

More details about the iPhone 7 are expected to come out soon.