Iraq gang arrested - specialists in kidnapping Christian doctors

Last Thursday, Iraqi police in Kirkuk captured the last members of a gang of four brothers that specialise in kidnapping Christian doctors. The men were arrested in a number of raids between 11 and 13 December.

Two unemployed relatives of the brothers helped them in their activities. All of the men have confessed to kidnapping doctors, although they appear to have no link to terrorism or Islamic extremism.

According to AsiaNews, the men said that they started kidnapping Christian doctors to "make easy money, what's more according to sharia taking money from a Christian is legitimate".

The men had a complete list of doctors and pharmacists. It is reported that the good relations between the Chaldean Archdiocese and other civil and religious authorities in Kirkuk were of great value in helping to capture the men.

Church leaders often meet local figures in political parties, government authorities as well as Imams, Sheiks, police and National Guard commanders.

Doctors have long been a target in Iraq for terrorists and criminals. In a recent case, the families of four specialised doctors were forced to pay thousands of dollars to attain their release from kidnappers.

Another three doctors recently left the Kirkuk area and went to Iraqi Kurdistan in order to escape from increasing pressure and threats, reports AsiaNews.

Earlier this week, the director of Iraq's top clinic for mental health problems was killed. As of yet it is not known who was responsible.

Many doctors, specialists and GPs are now leaving Iraq because of the danger to their lives. The result is that Iraq is now losing the medical specialists it needs.

In Mosul, there are virtually no male gynaecologists left, which has meant that pregnant women have not had access to some of the medical assistance they may need at child birth.