'Is It Okay to Not Support a Leader I Don't Like?'

U.S. President Donald Trump, wife Melania and son Barron during his inauguration in Washington D.C. on Jan. 20, 2017.Reuters

The inauguration of President Donald Trump begins an uncertain time and season for America. And although any new administration may have a rough transition, Trump's administration just might prove to be one of the most trying yet.

Trump has been dubbed unqualified and undeserving of the presidency and an unreliable leader by many. His inauguration day saw one of the lowest attendances and some of the most violent protests on a president's first day.

As Christians, what is to be our response to a Trump presidency? Is it okay to not be okay with it? Or should we swallow it and move on?

The first thing we must understand is that no one is forcing anything down our throats. God surely never bends our will to do anything, and neither should any opinion maker, spiritual leader, denomination or religious sector do the same. Everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion. However, there are values that we stand by.

One of the greatest examples of bad leadership in the Bible would have to be King Saul, the first crowned king of the kingdom of Israel. He started out alright, but only proved to be too corrupt and selfish to deserve the throne. In the middle of his reign a successor came up and King Saul was threatened out of jealousy.

The successor, David, fled for his life only to — by some twist of fate — be presented with the opportunity to kill Saul. He then told his men, "Do not destroy him, for who can put out his hand against the LORD's anointed and be guiltless?" (1 Samuel 26:9)

Did David dislike Saul? I'm sure there were days that he would, most especially when he'd be fleeing an assault hungry and demotivated. But did it drive him to dishonour or even kill Saul? No, it did not.

In Romans 13:1, Paul wrote, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."

This was written in a time when government sought to persecute and even execute Christians. But despite this, Paul stated that government leadership is necessary and even God-ordained.

I know it's hard to stand by God's Word when situations aren't what we would like them to be, but God's Word is God's Word.

It's hard to say if Trump will be any good or will be the demise of the United States. But one thing we can say is that if he's sitting there, God let Him. If we can't trust in the president, we can surely trust in the God who makes all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Is it okay to not be okay with your president? I don't see why not. But should we go against him and his authority? It just might not be the best idea.