Issue Groups' First Gathering on the 2004 World Evangelisation Forum

On Thursday 30th September, the 2004 Forum for World Evangelisation in Thailand entered the first day. The Issue Groups (IGs), each with 30-70 members, gathered for the first time and started discussions on their assigned specific topic of concern.

In total there are 31 issues identified by the Forum which are considered as significant roadblocks to world evangelism. Even though most of the members of the IGs have met each other face to face for the first time, with their rich ministry experiences and a common passion for world evangelism, they spoke fervently on the topics related to the issue.

Andrew Brumme, a member of the Media and Communications Team reported his experience of following one of the IGs, IG number 22, which focuses on the topic "Reconciliation". Testimonies of personal tragedy as the result of genocide in Rwanda, Burundi and Cambodia were shared, as a bond of fellowship and prayer developed among members.

Brumme described, "I watched as a Hutu from Burundi embraced a Tutsi and sought forgiveness on behalf of his tribe. With as much gravity as the situation demanded, the Tutsi man replied, 'I forgive you' and the room erupted in applause."

"...they cried out to God for a revelation of how to build the kingdom of God, not just in heaven, but on earth today! This is the 2004 Forum. Individual lives are being impacted on a practical level, and by God's grace these individuals will impact churches and nations," Brumme continued.

In an attempt to track the progress of the IGs' meeting at the Forum, a 2004 Forum Convergence Team was formed on Thursday as well. The team will continue to visit individual Issue Groups over the next few days. They will also listen to the emerging trends and commonalities among Issue Groups.

The Convergence Team consists of seven ministry leaders and theologians, appointed by the 2004 Forum Planning Committee, led by Dr. Paul Eschleman (JESUS Film Project).