Italian Archbishop Condemns Planned 'Anti-Islam Prayer'

A prominent Italian archbishop has rebuked plans for an "anti-Islam prayer" which has been scheduled to take place in Genoa, northern Italy.

Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference and Archbishop of Genoa, described the proposed prayer "inopportune".

Speaking to La Repibblica, a daily Italian newspaper, the Archbishop said: "The administration expresses its disapproval of the exploitation of the prayer."

The controversial prayer has been organised by the Genoa branch of the Italian political party Forza Italia and the extreme-right party of Forza Nuova.

The political protest will also oppose the construction of a new mosque planned for Genoa, which has been the subject of widespread debate in the region.

The developments come as members of another lobby group, the Italian and International law Observatory group, delivered a letter to the European Commission in the Italian city of Milan. The letter protested against Islamic fundamentalism and the Islamisation of Europe.