Jessa Duggar's Husband Ben Seewald Accuses White Christians of Being 'Out of Touch' With Their Black Brothers and Sisters

Ben Seewald plants a kiss on his son Spurgeon Elliot's head.(Instagram/Jessa Seewald)

Jessa Duggar's husband Ben Seewald from the TLC show "Counting On" did not mince words when he accused white Christians of failing to empathise with other races who share their faith.

On his Instagram account (@ben_seewald), the reality star posted a photo with a text that reads, "It's so appalling how out of touch many white believers are with their black brothers and sisters in the faith (and Hispanic and others as well). It makes me want to weep. I see so much quick judgment and so little empathy."

"The flesh points a finger — but Jesus would have us seek unity and walk a mile in each other's shoes. Love demands this. Christ demands this. We must repent," Seewald continued, "but the sad thing is that so many are so preoccupied that they don't even see it as an issue."

Some "Counting On" fans weren't very pleased with Seewald's declaration, and have started to unfollow him on social media. One former fan accused Seewald of being an "anti-white racist" and commented: "I weep for your apparent internalized self hatred and for your white children you are raising to hate themselves and their fellow white people based not on facts but on pure racism. How very sad."

"His comment here makes him anti-white. It's racist," agreed another netizen. "He's racist against his own people. It's sad."

Another user even accused Seewald of sowing confusion, adding sarcastically, "I have no doubt that you'll pat yourself on the back, and tell yourself how great you are as you 'weep.'"

However, several fans raved about Seewald's compassion and support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. "You're so brave to say this. So many people want to bury their heads in the sand because they don't have to deal with it. You could do that, but instead you're using your platform to reach people that a lot of us can't. Thank you!" a grateful fan wrote.