Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard news: Couple under fire for asking for donations, taking 'vacation' from mission work

Jill Duggar, Derick Dillard, and baby IsraelInstagram/ jillmdillard

After "19 Kids and Counting" was cancelled by TLC, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard left the U.S. to go on a long-term mission trip to Central America to spread the word of God. The couple announced their decision to leave on their blog, and they have even put up a link where their fans can donate to aid their ministry. Since the couple left last July, they have been keeping their followers posted on social media, but now, Jill and Derick are under fire for asking for donations and taking vacations from their ministry work. 

According to Entertainment Tonight, the first wave of criticisms came after the couple attended the wedding of Jill's cousin, Amy Duggar, in Arkansas last weekend, as well as the wedding of reality stars Michaella Bates and Brandon Keilen on Aug. 15. 

One of Jill's Facebook followers asked her why they are expecting people to support them, while another wondered if they don't have any income left from their show. 

On Aug. 14, another Facebook user asked why Jill was in New York instead of in El Salvador, and another wrote, "Honestly, you ask people to donate for that? When will you start to actually build hospitals, schools, and houses?"

Another posted, "Stop begging for donations and get jobs." 

It was reported last month that Jill and her sister Jessa were in New York to film the TLC documentary "Breaking the Silence," which aims to educate people about the effects of child molestation and how to prevent it. The network's decision to make the documentary came after "19 Kids and Counting" was cancelled due to their brother Josh Duggar's molestation scandal. As for the Bates-Keilen wedding, Jill explained on their blog that the date for the New York shoot coincided with the wedding, enabling them to attend the event. 

Meanwhile, Jill and Derick put up another update on their family blog, explaining that they will be in the U.S. for a month to "take care of some things and enjoy time with family and friends while we're here" before heading back to Central America. Derick wrote that Jill has been studying for her upcoming midwifery exam, and that they have been commissioned by their home church in Arkansas to do some mission work. Derick also revealed that they have moved the last of their belongings from their house in Rogers as they prepare to move to Central America.