John Peel Tribute Album Profits to be Shared with Salvation Army

The new John Peel tribute album, which features 40 of the famous DJ’s favourite tracks, is to share a portion of its profits with The Salvation Army.

|PIC1|“John Peel – A Tribute” marks the first anniversary of the popular broadcaster’s death and is due to for release on Monday 17 October, the same day as the release of his memoirs, which he had started and which were completed by his family.

John Peel’s widow, Sheila, said: “John always had a soft spot for The Salvation Army because when he was doing his national service he was very lonely and not quite knowing which direction he was going.

“The Salvation Army were there to give people support and a bowl of soup or whatever, and they were enormously kind to him and he never forgot that. I think the same happened when he was working in America, and so he always, always felt fondly towards them and gave to their funds and wouldn’t have a word said against them,” she recollected.

The release comes just days after the BBC Radio 1’s John Peel Day on 13 October, when more than 300 gigs worldwide were dedicated to Mr Peel, who died of a heart attack while on holiday with his wife in Peru.

Major Bill Cochrane of The Salvation Army said: “We are touched that John Peel wanted The Salvation Army to benefit in some was from what was an extraordinary life in music.

“He believed in the potential of young musicians and through his programmes gave them much encouragement and support, so it’s quite fitting that money raised from the album is going to an organisation like ours that works to help hundreds of young people each year to realise their potential,” said Major Cochrane.

|TOP|Two other charities that were particularly close to John Peel’s heart will also benefit from a share in the profits of the double album, East Anglia’s Children Hospices and the Kariandusi School Trust in Kenya.

John Peel was lead presenter of BBC Radio 4’s “Home Truths”, broadcast every Saturday morning. A Salvation Army family from Shipley will feature in a special tribute programme to the former BBC Radio 1 DJ from 9am to 10am on Saturday 22 October.

The family described the compilation, which includes tracks by Lonnie Donegan, The Ramones, Joy Division and Belle and Sebastian, in a statement as, “A wonderful tribute to John and his music. This is only the tip of the iceberg of the bands and music he championed”.

The record company behind the album, Warner Strategic Marketing, assured that the project had been “carefully vetted” by the Peel family.

To mark the first anniversary of Peel’s death on Wednesday 26 October, BBC Four will broadcast an evening of special tribute programmes featuring contributions from Nick Cave and Alan Hansen on his 40-year career devoted to new and alternative music.