Langham Preaching director becomes new Keswick chairman

Jonathan Lamb, Director of the Langham Preaching for Langham Partnership
International, will be the new Chairman of the Keswick Convention Council from this summer onwards.

He takes over the position from the international Director of Operation Mobilisation, Peter Maiden, who has served as Chairman for the last nine years.

Looking back on his time as Chairman, Mr Maiden said: "It has been an extremely encouraging experience for me in this role. A very united Convention council and
staff team has made the job a real pleasure. I am very grateful to God for all He has done and confident of the future, with Jonathan taking over the reins."

Mr Lamb, who served as Chairman briefly in the 1990s, said: "This is an extremely positive time to be returning to the chair of Keswick ministries – we thank God for growth in every area.

"Thousands attend the three weeks each summer, because they want to live by the truth of the Bible, experience the power of the Spirit, commit to the Lordship of Christ, and serve the cause of global mission.

"These are the issues that matter, and I am specially pleased that Keswick is supported by Christians from across the evangelical spectrum, which means the event continues to strengthen the cause of evangelical unity across the country."

Bible readings were given in the first week of the convention by Dale Ralph Davis, who warned that the church has to be ready to care for those who have retired and are
facing all the problems of old age.

"Please don't throw money at this, and don't think you have to hire a minister for seniors: just give them prayer and care," he said.

Plans for next year's convention, with the theme of Christ-centred renewal, are already underway. They include a track that looks at the challenges thrown up by an increasingly ageing population may well be part of the mix.

"We hope to look at the many issues that this will bring to the church," commented planner Simon Overend. "As the population ages, this is reflected in the church as well, and the church needs to be equipped to reach out and help its own older people and those in the wider community. Our motto is “All One in Christ Jesus” - and that includes older people."

The Keswick Convention attracts around 15,000 people of all ages each summer for three weeks of Bible teaching, worship, children's and youth meetings, drama, music, book cafes, debates, seminars and lectures.