Lawyers' Christian Fellowship: Statement on the Passing of the Gay Rights Bill in the Lords

|PIC1|The vote by 168 to 122 in the House of Lord's tonight in favour of the Government's Equality Act (Sexual Orientation Regulations) marks the imposition of a new morality.

It is a clear sign that despite saying they were going to consult and listen, the Government has failed to respect the consciences of citizens whose values are formed and shaped by their deeply held religious beliefs, be they Christian, Muslim or Jewish. This could have been easily resolved by a simple conscience clause.

In a week where the whole country celebrates the 200th anniversary off the Abolition of Slavery, brought about, by and large, through the determined efforts of William Wilberforce, we would do well to remember his driving force and motivation stemmed from his Christian conviction. History will record that today's vote marked the increased secularisation of Britain confining faith to private thought, rather than public service.

The consequences and implications of the SORs will unfold month by month. The result of the vote will mean that rather than balancing rights, the right to live a homosexual lifestyle will trump the right to live a Christian lifestyle.

Many Christians will be affected by this new law. Christians and other faith community groups will be considering the implications of the SORs carefully and will reflect on the various legal options open to them.

Andrea Minichiello Williams
Public Policy Officer Lawyer's Christian Fellowship & Christian Concern for Our Nation