'Left 4 Dead 3' release date tipped for 2017; expected to have unveiling at E3

Left 4 Dead box artValve

Valve has been silent regarding the development of some of their most anticipated games such as "Half-Life 3" and "Left 4 Dead 3." However, according to a report from Yibada, it is likely that the latter will launch sooner than later given that leaks are suggesting the company is aiming to launch "Left 4 Dead 3" by 2017.

According to the report, details have been leaked and spread online by former Valve employee Minh Le, also known as Gooseman. It is undetermined at this point how far along in the game's development Le was involved in and if the details he has shared have been kept in place given that video games can change a lot in the middle of development.

Express reports that Le had confirmed the game is going to be unveiled during this year's E3 and that the game was given priority over "Half-Life 3" despite the latter being one of the most popular game franchises in the industry. It is widely speculated by fans that this was done due to the fact that "Left 4 Dead 3" focuses on online multiplayer.

"Left 4 Dead 3" is said to have four main characters with only one of them female. These are named Garrett Jr., Keenan, Irvin and Katherine. Garrett Jr. is described as a Kenpo fighter, Irvin is a type of gangster or mobster, while Keenan is described as a book nerd. 

Six main campaigns which are titled "No Mercy," "Cliff-Hanger," "Early Destination," "Crashland," "Impasse" and "Inquisitor Land." Additional campaigns are also stated to arrive post-launch via DLC packs although it is undetermined at this point if there will also be pre-order campaigns that will be included as well.

The reports do not confirm if the game will be open to mods and it is undetermined at this point if the game will be a PC-exclusive or if it will launch for the Xbox One and PS4 as well.

Valve has not confirmed or denied the rumors and therefore the information should still be taken as speculation or rumor.