'Legend of Zelda' Netflix update: Series not happening

Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata denies Netflix's "Legend of Zelda" live-streaming adaptation.Wikimedia Commons

The "Legend of Zelda" fans who are waiting for the TV adaptation of their favorite game might be in for some disappointment. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has denied the claims that Netflix is doing the TV version of the game. 

The Wall Street Journal first broke the news about the alleged live-action version of the popular fantasy action-adventure video game back in February. According to the report, the video streaming network was in the early development stages of the production, said a "person familiar with the matter." But based on Iwata's interview with TIME Magazine, the report is simply inaccurate. 

"As of now, I have nothing new to share with you in regard to the use of our IPs for any TV shows or films, but I can at least confirm that the article in question is not based on correct information," the Nintendo CEO pointed out. 

The "Legend of Zelda" is one of the longest-running video game franchises from Nintendo, and its very first title was launched almost 30 years ago for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Back in 1989, DiC adapted the video game for a 13-episode animation series, which was distributed by Viacom Enterprises. There were also several film offers to bring the "Legend of Zelda" on the big screen, including one from Imagi Animation Studios in 2007, but Nintendo did not accept the offer because of the earlier failure of the live-action movie version of "Super Mario Bros." 

If a live-action adaptation would happen in the future, then it could revolve around the plot where a regular boy named Link is tasked to rescue Princess Zelda and save the world named Hyrule from the evil Ganon.  

At the moment, however, no other adaptation plans about the "Legend of Zelda" will push through in any media form.