Leprosy Mission to fund new project in Nigeria

Over 100 countries will take part in celebrations for the 55th annual World Leprosy Day on 25 January.

Christian charity The Leprosy Mission said many people in Britain were unaware that the condition still affects millions of people around the world, with over a quarter of a million new cases detected each year.

Churches, groups and schools will be using World Leprosy Day to raise awareness of the disease and fundraise with church services, lessons and events focused on the problem of leprosy.

This year supporters of The Leprosy Mission are particularly focusing on leprosy in Nigeria and money raised during World Leprosy Day will be going to a new project in Kwara state.

The new project will increase case detection rates by integrating leprosy services into the general health system and will work in five leprosy communities to build new houses and provide basic amenities like water and electricity. Some 300 children from these communities will be supported in education and the project will provide small business loans through cooperative societies.

The Leprosy Mission has been supporting people in Kwara state for many years, like Amina who lost feeling in her hands and feet due to leprosy. She was diagnosed and treated at The Leprosy Mission’s hospital in Kwara state and the charity also provided a loan for her to buy five goats which she now breeds and sells so she can support herself and be independent.

In Nigeria itself, World Leprosy Day is used to spread the news that leprosy is curable and to dispel the social exclusion that the disease often brings.

Timothy Ayam, who works for The Leprosy Mission in Nigeria, says, "Volunteers are planning to visit Chanchaga leprosy settlement on 24 January. We are also planning radio and television talks on leprosy.

"Volunteers are going to pray with people affected by leprosy, encourage them and give them materials, such as clothing, meet with their children, basically share the love of Christ – make them feel loved again."

On the web:
In the UK, The Leprosy Mission has produced materials available free of charge to help churches, groups and schools learn more about leprosy around the time of World Leprosy Day. These include posters, leaflets, prayer cards and PowerPoint presentations. See www.leprosymission.org.uk