Healthy ice cream a reality? Longer-lasting and healthier ice cream coming soon?

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/NewsBeatSocial]

How long does it take one to finish one cone of ice cream?

It could vary depending on the number of scoops used, of course, but for the sake of argument let us stick to just one.

Traditionally, it would depend on the frequency of eating or licking it but at some point many would agree that things could get messy if you are not careful. Apparently, it would melt as soon as one gets its hands on it.

But what if, for some reason, a key ingredient would be added to make it last longer? What if that key protein could make ice cream last until you finish it and not reach the point of melting in your hands?

Well, if this discovery by the researchers over at the University of Edinburgh is consistent, such could be just over the horizon.

The protein is called BsIA, something that could draw cheers for people who shy away from eating ice cream to avoid messy situations.

BsIA allegedly holds together air bubbles, fat droplets, and water — essential elements that hold and make up ice cream.

The said protein would account for slow melting of ice cream while at the same time producing ice cream with lower levels of saturated fat. So, not only will it save one the trouble of a messy situation but make ice cream healthier as well.

"We're excited by the potential this new ingredient has for improving ice cream, both for consumers and for manufacturers," Professor Cait MacPhee of the University of Edinburgh's School of Physics and Astronomy stated.

"By using this protein we're replacing some of the fat molecules that are currently used to stabilize these oil and water mixtures," MacPhee also said, according to BBC

While the discovery seems to be a good one, the reality of it all is that it may not happen anytime soon. Try 3 to 5 years at the least!

Hard to believe? Well check out the video below to see for yourself.