'Longmire' season 4: Can the show still continue?

Walt Longmire actor Robert Taylor inside the office.tv.com

A&E's cancellation of "Longmire" brought such disappointment and frustration to all its avid viewers. Needless to say, "Longmire" wasn't cancelled because of its ratings, which is primarily what caused the viewer uproar. A&E simply wanted to focus on homegrown TV shows so they had to axe a couple of good shows, too.

Months after the cancellation, the fans of "Longmire" remain steadfast in trying to bring back the TV show for another season. Season 3 ended with a cliffhanger. Branch Connally finally established a relationship with his father and this is something fans wanted to see develop. So when A&E decided to cancel the show, they got some very bad tweets and feedback.

"Longmire" fans have been looking for ways to get the show back on their TV screens. But until now, they haven't been successful. According to VCP, one of the ways they tried is to vote for "Longmire" on the People's Choice Awards. However, the TV show wasn't nominated, but fans have the chance to enter their favorites, so that could work.

Then if that doesn't work, there's another way. GLOBE Magazine columnist Debbie Reynolds suggested that fans try to boycott other A&E shows. Not watching these shows can pull down the ratings, and ratings are very important for A&E. She suggested that fans may want to try skipping the A&E shows. However, this way doesn't guarantee that A&E will bring back "Longmire" even if the ratings for the other shows are low.

The last option is to remain hopeful and that's through waiting for another TV network to pick up "Longmire" for season 4. There were rumors before that USA Network might pick it up. Well, TV networks would be smart to get "Longmire" since it has a wide fan base and is doing well in the ratings department. This option could actually be a win-win situation for everyone, except for A&E, that is.