LWF Annual General Council in Geneva opens this week

The General Council Meeting 2004 of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will begin on Tuesday, 31st August in Chavannes-de-Bogis near Geneva, Switzerland.

The 49-member Council meets under the theme “Growing Together - Growing Apart”. The current Council was elected at the July 2003 LWF Tenth Assembly in Winnipeg, Canada. It consists of the President, the Treasurer, and both lay and ordained persons drawn from among the 136 LWF member churches. Some advisors, observers and guests also will attend the Council meetings.

Rev. Ekkehard Lagoda, from Evangelical Lutheran Church in Geneva, will preach at the opening worship. Running from 1st-7th September, the highlight of this year’s meeting is the election of the LWF General Secretary scheduled on the first day of the council.

There will be priority given to discuss the Federation’s future work; establishment and mandate of a Task Force on Family, Marriage and Human Sexuality; a report of the Task Force on Financing Theology and Ecumenism in the LWF; as well as discussion on the new LWF Mission Document.

The Council will receive and discuss the Address of the LWF President, Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson from Evangelical Lutheran Church of America; the Report of the LWF General Secretary, Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko; as well as the Report of the Treasurer, Mr Peter Stoll in the plenary sessions on 1st-2nd September.

From 2nd-4th September, seven Program Committees including Communication Services, Ecumenical Affairs, Finance and Administration, International Affairs and Human Rights, Mission and Development, Theology and Studies, and World Service, will meet and draw up reports which will be presented on 5th September.

Further information, please refer to the website: http://www.lutheranworld.org .