Lysa TerKeurst encourages Christians to seek God first before making a decision

Lysa TerKeurst says opportunity is like β€˜an amazingly attractive but fast-moving river.’

Bestselling Christian author Lysa TerKeurst is encouraging Christians to seek God first every time they have an important decision to make.

"Do you need to make a decision about something that seems so exciting, but you can't seem to shake the hesitation in your heart?" she wrote in her blog.

Whenever she has to make an important decision herself, TerKeurst said she likes to weigh in the pros and cons first and think how her decision will affect her and those who are a part of her life.

She urged others to follow suit by considering this image first: "Imagine this opportunity as an amazingly attractive but fast-moving river. There is so much that looks extremely appealing about this river, that you're going to be tempted to jump right in. But once in the river, you have diminished your ability to make decisions."

Because the river is moving extremely fast, if a person hasn't carefully determined in advance where he or she is headed, then that person is sure to be in trouble, she said.

College students need to determine their direction before declaring their majors, while dating couples need to consider if they both understand what it means to "settle down," TerKeurst said.

Mothers who want to invest in a business opportunity need to consider her expenses first and how it will eventually affect her time with the kids, she said.

"Before jumping into the river, you have the ability to walk up and down the banks of the river with ease," said TerKeurst. "You have the ability to stick your toes in and consider what this water will be like."

People can seek guidance from other people, added TerKeurst, but what's more important is for them to sit down quietly and listen to God's voice and read about His word.

"Once you jump in, the current has a way of demanding your full attention. It's not that you can't make adjustments once you're in the river; it's just a lot harder to go a different direction once you're in it," she said.

TerKeurst said she finds great comfort in Psalm 23:1-3 before she has to make an important decision. It says: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."