Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 search update: Aviation expert claims Indian Ocean theory 'fabricated'


It has been a year since the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 after it took off in Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing, yet only theories about the possible crash site have been reported by the search parties instead of finding the actual whereabouts of the aircraft. 

However, one aviation expert recently wrote to the Australian government to debunk its latest theory that the missing MH370 aircraft is lying somewhere in the southern part of the Indian Ocean. 

The IB Times UK recently got hold of a letter written by military aviation expert Andre Milne addressed to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Defense Minister David Johnston, and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop, saying that their latest claims that the crash site is somewhere in the southern area of the Indian Ocean are inaccurate and fabricated. 

The aviation expert highlighted five major points in his letter where the Australian government's reports possess several "lack of corroborative evidence," which makes the Indian Ocean location theory doubtful. 

One of his five major points claims that "not one piece of corroborative radar data to support your Artificial Incursion Theory has been produced by the governments of Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom all of whom as members of the Five Powers Defense Agreement have joint access to the Integrated Air Defense System that at all times had full command and full control of the very same airspace that you as Minister of Defence claim MH370 did trespass through illegally prior to then crashing into the southern Indian Ocean." 

Milne also stated that in spite of all the extensive search and fact-finding efforts of more than 10,000 highly trained professionals deployed by at least 24 member states of the United Nations, not a single one managed to find any corroborative evidences showing where the missing aircraft is located. 

When asked where he believes the aircraft is, the aviation expert said, "It is premature and utterly irresponsible to talk about any theory without having any physical evidence." 

The Australian government has yet to comment on Milne's letter.