'Married at First Sight: The First Year' spin-off begins: Doug Henner, Jamie Otis, Jason Carrion and Cortney Hendrix return

Cast of "Married at First Sight: The First Year"[Photo credit: FYI]

What started out as an experiment has now turned into the real deal. "Married at First Sight" was about three couples who underwent an arranged marriage experiment that lasted five weeks. Two of the couples made it out alive and they are now the stars of the show's spin-off. 

Doug Henner, Jamie Otis, Jason Carrion and Cortney Hendrix will be back in "Married at First Sight: The First Year." The show will feature the couples' marriages from the sixth month to their first anniversary. The two couples also granted The New York Post an interview as to how the couples stand ten months in their marriage and about the problems they've been going through. 

Doug and Jamie 

Doug and Jamie is a couple that didn't have instant chemistry. It took a while before Jamie warmed up to her husband, but from then on, the two have been doing well. 

Jamie shared that she gets more attracted to Doug by the day. She loves that he is "an average guy with a great personality, a great heart, a great soul." Apart from the growing attraction, Jamie has grown closer to Doug and his family as they moved to Sayreville, New Jersey after the finale. 

However, the couple has one main issue between them and that is having kids and raising a family. Jamie wants kids already but Doug opts to wait a bit. 

"It's definitely generated some talk. I just think that we're not where we need to be as a couple to introduce a child. It takes focus off of the relationship and there's still room to grow for Jamie and I. I think it's too soon to even introduce that. But it's something definitely in the near future for us," Doug explained to the New York Post

But despite the difference in opinion, Jamie is very hopeful about their marriage, saying, "We're really happy. It's not perfect all the time because nothing ever is. But we're fighters for each other, we love each other." 

Jason and Cortney 

Opposite of Doug and Jamie, Jason and Cortney had an instant attraction when they first met. However, it's been a struggle ever since for the couple. Jason's mother died and he had to undergo a fire academy training program that lasted five months. 

"It was really difficult trying to juggle being newly married and still trying to get to know each other and having such a huge thing like the fire academy coming in. I didn't realize it was going to be this hard," Jason admitted to The Post

Aside from this, Cortney recently quit her job and has decided to become a full-time makeup artist. This, too, had to put a financial strain on them. 

But despite the stress, Cortney remains positive, saying, "As of today we are still happily married, but it's not that it's been rainbows and butterflies. Both of us have matured a lot through this experiment and by being married. We do talk about the tough things and the rough topics now, because you have to." 

She added that she hopes Jason would ask her to take his last name, that she will be Mrs. Carrion soon "because that's important to me and special." Naturally, throwing in a diamond ring in there will be great, too!

"Married at First Sight: The First Year" airs every Tuesday night on FYI.