Massive OM outreach gets underway in the Mediterranean

Half a billion people live around the Mediterranean Sea, yet most do not know the story of Jesus or who He is.

Addressing this issue, Operation Mobilisation (OM) has organised Transform 2010, a massive outreach to bring the Gospel to numerous nations in the region.

No less than 400 Christians from around the world are currently involved. All of them are aware that they are bringing news of God’s love to an area that was once home to some of the very first churches.

Transform 2010 began with a training and preparation conference in Rome, Italy from July 19 – 24.

Over this five day period, the participants received orientation from OM workers already active in proclaiming Christ around the Mediterranean.

The intense programme included training in evangelism skills, prayer for the countries in the region and teaching on the Biblical basis for mission.

Advice was also given about overcoming the cultural barriers that the participants might encounter while trying to share their faith. The conference ended with all those involved heading out in 35 small teams to their chosen ministry destination.

Following months of preparation, Transform 2010 outreaches lasting from one week to five months are now underway in 21 different countries, covering destinations in southern Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East and North Africa.

The variety of activities the teams are involved in is considerable, including the distribution of evangelistic DVDs, building relationships with communities through art projects and assisting small churches to reach disillusioned youth with the Good News.

Building on the foundations currently being laid, plans for Transform 2011 are already being made. Individuals and groups are welcome to join next year’s event and the orientation / training conference has been confirmed to take place from July 5 – 9. As with Transform 2010, the participants will then join one of the short-term mission outreaches they have chosen.

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