Memorial service held for Croydon schoolgirl

Elianne Andam(Photo: Met Police)

An open-air memorial service has been held in support of the family of schoolgirl Elianne Andam, who was fatally stabbed on her way to school last week. 

The vigil took place in Croydon town centre and was attended by the 15 year old's grieving family and hundreds of others, including police, pastors and faith leaders.

They said prayers, sang praise songs, and took turns to share messages of solidarity with the family, who are committed Christians.

Their pastor Mark Rossell spoke movingly to the crowd about how Elianne had grown up attending New Life Croydon and was a much loved member of the church.

"It broke our hearts," he said of her death.

"Elianne was a huge part of New Life, it's personal. This really, really hurts.

"She had her whole life ahead of her, she was always laughing and really loved being part of this community. She had big dreams and was so optimistic about her goals."

He told Sky News that the family had been in church on Sunday morning before attending the memorial service and that the community would be there for them as they come to terms with their loss.

"It's our community that will build them back up and give them every ounce of support they need," he said. 

The family have also been closely supported by the Bishop of Croydon, Rosemarie Mallett, who was in attendance at Sunday's memorial service.

Speaking last Friday, the bishop said Elianne's death was "deeply sad and devastating". She welcomed grieving members of the community to come into local churches for a moment of prayer and reflection. 

"Our hearts are with Elianne's family, and all affected during this time. We pray that efforts to reduce crime and serious youth violence are doubled to put an end to such tragedies affecting our young people.

"Our Croydon church communities continue to offer space for prayer and reflection for those impacted.

"Our churches remain open and we continue to welcome those who wish to pray, light a candle, pay their respects or sit in quiet reflection. Churches across Croydon will be remembering Elianne and her family in their services."