Methodists call on international community to help end Gaza conflict

|PIC1|As Israel’s defence minister declared “war to the bitter end” against Hamas on Monday, the Methodist Church urged the international community to put pressure on Israel and Gaza to bring an end to the violence.

At least 315 people have been killed in three days of conflict which saw Israel launch a fierce military campaign against Palestinians on Saturday after Hamas militants fired rockets into southern Israeli towns.

Israel has since deployed more troops to the Gaza border and Hamas leaders have gone into hiding, according to the Associated Press.

The Methodist Church’s Public Issues Policy Advisor, Steve Hucklesby said, "The devastating death toll resulting from Israeli air strikes has shocked many. Rather than improving security, this action by Israel could compound conflict in the region.

“It is also likely to make it more difficult to bring regional powers together in a search for solutions.

“Both Hamas and Israel must respond to the UN Security Council call for an immediate end to all military operations.”

The Methodist Church is calling on the EU, US and UN to intensify pressure on Hamas to refrain from violence.

“At this time of year when the focus of Christians around the world is on the Holy Land we pray for courageous leadership in the cause of peace,” said Mr Hucklesby.

Mr Hucklesby warned that the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza was set to worsen under the latest crisis.

“Before the recent outbreaks of violence, Gaza was already suffering a dire humanitarian situation. [This] has not been helped by Israel’s blockade and restrictions on relief supplies,” he said.

“Now food, fuel and medical supplies are needed urgently.”

The head of the World Council of Churches, the Rev Dr Samuel Kobia, also called on for an immediate halt to "the violence against Gaza".

“The deaths and suffering of the last three days are dreadful and shameful and will achieve nothing but more deaths and suffering,” he said in a statement on Monday.