Michael Adebolajo [VIDEO]: Suspect in London attack was Christian before becoming "obsessed" with radical Islam and Jihad

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One of the suspects behind the murder of a soldier on a London street in broad daylight May 22 has been named as Michael Adebolajo.

The 28-year-old suspect was reportedly brought up as a Christian before becoming "obsessed" with Islam in his teenage years.

Adebolajo was photographed with bloodied hands and holding a butcher knife yesterday after brutally slaying and chopping up a serving soldier who was in his 20s. He was caught on camera wielding the knife like a crazed man and yelling: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you."

Adebolajo reportedly became obsessed with radical Islam at the age of 15 and joined extreme Islamist groups that are banned in UK.

His family, who now live in Lincolnshire, had reportedly moved him away from east London because of their fears that their son was becoming radicalized.

"He started getting involved with Islam aged about 15 or 16, and that is why his parents moved him away out of the area," one of his friends told the Evening Standard. "It is utterly shocking to see what he has done. It's unbelievable."

Born in Lambeth, South London, Adebolajo grew up in Romford, East London.

The British citizen who is of Nigerian descent converted to Islam in 2003 and called himself Mujahid, and joined the Islamist group Al Muhajiroun, which has been banned under the Terrorism Act.

Adebolajo and his unnamed accomplice ran over an off-duty British soldier with their car as he was making his way to the Woolwich Barracks in London. The soldier's body was crushed against a road sign and the suspects started hacking and chopping him with knives. They dragged his body onto the middle of the road and tried to decapitate him, all the meanwhile shouting "Allah Akbar", which means "God is great".

He then ranted on camera with his bloodied hands and butcher knife, and telling passersby that they were waiting for police to come so they can "shoot the police."

Police arrived at the scene 20 minutes later and shot the two suspects. They have been transported to hospital and are currently under armed guard as the investigation continues.

"This country will be absolutely resolute in its stand against extremism and terror," said David Cameron after the shocking attack. "We will never give in to terror or terrorism in any of its forms. This view is shared by every community." It is not known yet whether the two men have terrorist ties in Nigeria.

Cameron also stated today to declare the unity of the country. "The people who did this were trying to divide us. They should know: something like this will only bring us together and make us stronger."

Watch the footage of Michael Adebolajo's rant in the video below: