Mother of 5 transitions to become a man after only son became a girl — and husband says he's fine with it
Mother and daughter became father and son—and the real father is not bothered a bit.
If that sounds confusing, it's because it really is—but not to the Maison family from Detroit, Michigan.
The family's sexual revolution started four years ago when then 11-year-old Corey Maison told his parents that he actually identifies as a female and would like to transition into a girl, according to 9 News. Corey is the lone son of Erica and Les Maison, who have four other children.
Corey found strong support from his family, particularly his mother Erica who, it turned out, also felt differently about herself—a man trapped inside a woman's body.
Erica told 60 Minutes that Corey's decision to transition into a girl inspired her to do the same, but in the opposite direction.
Last year, Erica decided to likewise begin her transition into a man, changing her name to Eric.
Her son, who's now her daughter, decided to stick with the name Corey.
Erica revealed that even in her younger years she had long wanted to become a man. "When I was younger I used to wish for cancer so I would have to get a mastectomy," she said, adding that she "hated being pregnant." Despite this, she bore her husband Les five children.
Fortunately for her, she had a very understanding and open-minded husband.
Also speaking to 60 Minutes, Les said his wife turning into a man and his only son turning into a girl don't really bother him.
Although his wife Erica is now Eric, "I am still married to the same person I married," Les said.
"And that's fine ... As long as Eric is happy with the appearance, Eric will be happy with what's in her brain – or his brain," he added.
The stunning disclosures made by three members of the Maison family came just days after a transgender pastor from Texas also created a stir when he declared that "God is transgender."
In a previous report, the Rev. S. David Wynn, a senior pastor from Agape Metropolitan Community Church in Fort Worth, Texas, told a large crowd of LGBTQ supporters in Austin that, "in the beginning, God created humankind in God's image. ... So God is transgender."
Wynn made the statement to underscore his opposition to a bill being pushed in the Texas Senate that would pre-empt and nullify all local non-discrimination ordinances that allow transgender people in the state to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity.