Mothers' Union Responds to Needs of Rwandan Refugees

The Mothers' Union (MU) of the Anglican Diocese of Gahini has provided clothing and other basic items to hundreds of Rwandan refugees who returned to the country recently from Tanzania.

The shipment was organised by more than 70 MU members of the Gahini Diocese and was financed by the MU in the UK.

Before visiting the refugees in Rugeyo Camp, the women held a two-day workshop on the rights of women and girls. Beatrice Gahamanyi, an MU worker for Gahini Diocese, said that the women resolved in the seminar to rescue society from problems affecting families. She said that much needed to be done to protect young girls, who are the future mothers.

After the workshop, the MU members went to Kageyo Camp to offer the refugees basic needs like soap and clothes. They assured the refugees that they would bring further help in a few weeks' time.

Hundreds of refugees received much-needed items during the delivery which was joined by the Rt Rev Alexis Bilindabagabo, the Anglican Bishop of Gahini. He was accompanied by the local leaders of Rukara district in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.

Bishop Alexis commended the MU members for their valuable contribution to social transformation in the church and community. He advised the refugees to hold on to God the Almighty for safety, and pledged to support them and help them move forward.